Metal Working srl
participates in the Media Academy project

Why does Metal Working take part in the Media Academy project?

In order to have a wide and comprehensive knowledge of the media, an innovative company active in international markets cannot be exempt from Media Education.
We also share the purely entrepreneurial approach given to the project and the professional opportunities for young people, as well as the reliability of Tempora ODV
We consider it an added value that, in addition to Trento and Rovereto, the territory of Pergine Valsugana, where we are based, is valued by important projects with a modern focus.

What are the expectations?

Media Academy has the opportunity to bring out the young resources in our area and highlight their entrepreneurial potential.
This will allow us to strengthen our relations with the world of young people, aware that they are the future managerial class.
With the challenge we will launch to the participants, we expect to be able to intensify our dialogue with the local, national and international architectural world through the study of a successful strategy and further consolidation of brand identity. Metal Working will provide a reward for the team working on this project.