Sculpture project
To celebrate this important milestone in a special way, the company, in collaboration with the Contempo Gallery of Pergine, has dedicated a program full of events, the annual Metal Kunst 3 Contempo, focused on metal sculpture.
When metal...becomes art
The project hypothesized for a year but will certainly be repeated in the following years was born with the keywords “research, innovation, sharing, promotion, visibility, communication, comparison and growth” which are the constructive basis of the project, in fact MetalKunst3 I Contempo will create a new platform that combines Art and Business in order to provide an authentic image of one’s corporate identity, a path of belonging and creative development for one’s Team through an emotional relationship with the Territory and one’s customers.
The project is articulated with the participation of six works created by international sculptors who will exhibit them for two months each. These are built in the Metal Working srl production area and exhibited in the Acquario room of the Galleria Contempo, Via Maier 48a in Pergine Valsugana, under the guidance of the art critic Dora Bulart.